What does “going green” mean to you? The last decade has seen a major push toward a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Simple things like turning off lights when you leave a room, recycling, installing energy efficient appliances and windows, bagging groceries in reusable cloth bags and carpooling are all positive steps we can take toward that “green lifestyle,” something unanimously viewed as a way to enjoy a healthier lifestyle and a cleaner environment.
But what if we could take this concept much farther? What if you could enjoy a home that enabled you to never pay a power bill while keeping the entire house at a constant 95 degrees if you desired? What if your home could be your gas station? What if your home could be a healthy environment with the cleanest air you breathe all day?
Enter the Net Zero Energy Home Project. Jug Mountain Ranch teamed up with Vital Power Systems to see if we could build a home that would power itself. And not just power itself, but look like a traditional Jug Mountain Ranch home and not something out of a science fiction novel while staying comparable in construction price to “traditional” homes in the neighborhood. After a lot of planning and research, this home is now a reality! Construction is currently underway for a 2,400 square foot, net zero energy home at Jug Mountain Ranch.
(click any image to view larger)
- JMR Net Zero Home Front Elevation
- JMR Net Zero Home Front Elevation
- JMR Net Zero Home Back Elevation
- JMR Net Zero Home Side Elevation
- JMR Net Zero Home Floorplan
We are so excited about this project and the impact that it can have not only on our own community, but also the impact it may have on YOUR home. Throughout the building process we will be highlighting the many features and construction techniques we are using in the hopes that we can share ways you may be able to implement some of these choices into your own lifestyle. A win-win for everyone!
Stay tuned over the next few months as we explore and explain features such as photo-voltaic power production systems, LED lighting, air to air ductless zone HVAC, solar thermal radiant heat and domestic hot water, electric car chargers as well as general passive home building techniques used throughout the home.
We hope you will join us on our journey!